The Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE) and the Galician Society for the Advancement of Statistics and Operations Research (SGAPEIO) promote awards for the best oral communication by a young researcher and the best poster presented at the third Portuguese-Galician Meeting of Biometry.
The awards are:
These awards are sponsored by:
To apply the award for the best oral communication, in addition to the requirements presented in the regulation (see regulation), you need to indicate this intention in the abstract submission form.
Members of the jury – Best oral communication:
Members of the jury – Best poster:
The awards are:
- Best oral communication presented by a young researcher: 1st award 300€ + book, 2nd award 200€ + book
- Best poster– voucher of 100€ in books + book.
These awards are sponsored by:
- ProfiJardim - Construção e Manutenção de Espaços Verdes, Lda.;
- Edições Sílabo;
- Instituto Nacional de Estatística.
To apply the award for the best oral communication, in addition to the requirements presented in the regulation (see regulation), you need to indicate this intention in the abstract submission form.
Members of the jury – Best oral communication:
- Inês Sousa, Department of Mathematics, University of Minho – President
- Giovani Silva, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Javier Roca Pardiñas, Department of Mathematics and Operational Research, University of Vigo, Spain
- Lisete de Sousa, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- María Amalia Jácome Pumar, Department of Mathematics, University of Corunha, Spain
- María Teresa Seoane Pillado, Department of Health Sciences, University of Corunha, Spain
Members of the jury – Best poster:
- Javier Roca Pardiñas, Department of Mathematics and Operational Research, University of Vigo, Spain - President
- Members of the Scientific Committee of the EBio2018 poster sessions