The third Portuguese-Galician Meeting of Biometry, EBio2018, will take place from 28th until 30th june 2018 in the Mathematics Department of University of Aveiro. The meeting is organized by the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE) and by the Galician Society for the Advancement of Statistics and Operations Research (SGAPEIO).
This meeting is directed to professionals and statisticians, academics, researchers and students.
Main objectives:
The scientific meeting program includes a short course, a round table, plenary sessions, invited sessions and selected communications (oral and posters).
The works presented in the EBio2018 could be submitted to the Biometry's special issue, published in 2019 by the journal Revstat.
This meeting is directed to professionals and statisticians, academics, researchers and students.
Main objectives:
- To disseminate the latest advances in the development and application of statistical and mathematical methods in Biology, Medicine, Ecology, Psychology, Pharmacology, Agriculture, Environment and other Health and Life Sciences
- To expand the field of action of both societies to new sectors in the Biometry context
- To promote the exchange and to intensify the relationships in each community and between the statistical communities
The scientific meeting program includes a short course, a round table, plenary sessions, invited sessions and selected communications (oral and posters).
The works presented in the EBio2018 could be submitted to the Biometry's special issue, published in 2019 by the journal Revstat.
Important dates
- Abstract submission: 15 april 2018
- Notification of acceptance: 11 may 2018
- Early registration and abstract inclusion in the abstract book: 25 may 2018